Іздеуді бастау үшін «қайдан» және «қайда» енгізіңіз
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Автобустарды, троллейбустарды және трамвайларды GPS арқылы көрсетеді

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Қызмет автобустардың, троллейбустардың және трамвайлардың орналасқан жерін GPS/ГЛОНАСС спутниктік позициялау жүйесі арқылы көрсетеді. Сіз қоғамдық көліктің қайда бара жатқанын және аялдамаға қашан бару керектігін шешуге болады.

Көлік туралы хабарламалар
бастау - соңы / header / cause / effectdescription

stop relocation

<p>Stop relocation!</p><br><p>Due to construction works, the service of the following lines will be modified:</p><br><ul><li><br><p><strong>Trolleybuslines 70 and 78</strong> are running on diverted routes. The <em>Kossuth Lajos M</em> stop is relocated in Báthory utca to Honvéd utca.</p><br></li></ul>

Троллейбус 78Троллейбус 70

runs on a diverted route, does not stop at at Kálvin tér M, Ferenciek tere M and Szervita tér towards Gyöngyösi utca M

<ul><li>Bus <strong>15</strong> runs on a diverted route, does not stop between <i>Fővám tér M</i> and <i>Erzsébet tér</i> towards Gyöngyösi utca M.</li></ul>

Автобус 15

stop relocation

<p>Stop relocation!</p><br><p>Due to construction works, the service of the following lines will be modified:</p><br><ul><li>The <em>Budafoki út / Dombóvári út </em>stop of <strong>buslines 33 and 133E</strong> running to Móricz Zsigmond körtér M and Újpalota, Nyírpalota út is relocated to the stop of busline 901.</li><li>The <em>Budafoki út / Dombóvári út</em> stop of <strong>buslines 107 and 154</strong> running to Keleti pályaudvar M and Gazdagréti tér is relocated to Dombóvári út.</li></ul>

Автобус 133EАвтобус 107Автобус 33Автобус 154

<p>Route modification</p><br><p>Trolleybus <strong>75</strong> now runs between <em>Jászai Mari tér</em> and <em>Kápolna tér.</em></p><br><p>The boarding point to <em>Jászai Mari tér</em> is the <em>Kápolna tér</em> stop of bus 95 and on the  Kápolna utca–Kőrösi Csoma Sándor út–Liget tér–Pongrácz út–Salgótarjáni utca–Zách utca–Salgótarjáni utca szervizútja–Hungária körút–Stefánia úti forduló–Hungária körút–Kerepesi út, the bus serves  <em>Kápolna utca</em>, <em>Kőbánya alsó vasútállomás</em>, <em>Kistorony park</em> and <em>Pongrácz úti lakótelep</em> stops of bus 95, the <em>Kőbányai garázs</em> stop of bus 909, the <em>Hidegkuti Nándor Stadion</em>, <em>Ciprus utca</em>, <em>Hős utca</em> and <em>Puskás Ferenc Stadion M</em> (Óbuda direction) stops of bus 901, as well as the <em>Puskás Ferenc Stadion M</em> stop of trolleybus 80.</p><br><p>To <em>Kápolna tér</em>, the bus runs from the <em>Puskás Ferenc Stadion M</em> stop on the Hungária körút-Salgótarjáni utca-Pongrácz út-Liget tér-Kápolna utca route, and will also serve the <em>Hős utca</em> and <em>Ciprus utca</em> stops of bus 901, the <em>Hidegkuti Nándor Stadion</em> and <em>Kőbányai garázs </em>stops of bus 909, as well as the <em>Pongrácz úti lakótelep, Kistorony park,</em> <em>Kőbánya alsó vasútállomás</em> and <em>Kápolna utca</em> stops of bus 95.</p>

Троллейбус 75

new stop

<p>From now on,<strong> Bus 151</strong> to Kőbánya alsó vasútállomás will stop at the <em>Határ utc</em>a stop of bus 152 to Csepel, Szent Imre tér.</p>

Автобус 151

stop relocation

<p>Due to utility works, the <em>Királyhágó utca</em> stop of buses <strong>105</strong>, <strong>210</strong> and <strong>210B </strong>to Apor Vilmos tér, Svábhegy and Normafa has been relocated further back, ahead of Alkotás utca.</p>

Автобус 210Автобус 210BАвтобус 105

runs on a diverted route, does not stop at Ond vezér park and Füredi utca / Ond vezér útja

<ul><li>Trolleybus <strong>81</strong> runs on a diverted route, does not stop at <i>Ond vezér park</i> and <i>Füredi utca / Ond vezér útja</i>.</li><li>Trolleybus <strong>80</strong> runs on a diverted route, does not stop at <i>Füredi utca / Ond vezér útja</i> and <i>Ond vezér park</i>.</li></ul>

Троллейбус 80Троллейбус 81

is not accessible without barriers at Határ út

<ul><li>Metro <strong>M3</strong> is not accessible without barriers at <i>Határ út</i>.</li></ul>

Метро M3

runs with increased travel time between Wesselényi utca and Auchan Sziget áruház towards Auchan Sziget áruház

<ul><li>Bus <strong>280</strong> runs with increased travel time between <i>Wesselényi utca</i> and <i>Auchan Sziget áruház</i> towards Auchan Sziget áruház.</li></ul>

Автобус 280

runs with increased travel time between Szigetszentmiklós, Szabadság utca and Csepel, Szent Imre tér towards Csepel, Szent Imre tér

<ul><li>Bus <strong>38</strong> and <strong>238</strong> runs with increased travel time between <i>Szigetszentmiklós, Szabadság utca</i> and <i>Csepel, Szent Imre tér</i> towards Szebeni utca ► Csepel, Szent Imre tér.</li></ul>

Автобус 38Автобус 238

runs on a diverted route between Örs vezér tere M+H and Ond vezér útja / Szentmihályi út

<ul><li>Night line <strong>907</strong> runs on a diverted route, does not stop between <i>Örs vezér tere M&#43;H</i> and <i>Ond vezér útja / Szentmihályi út</i>.</li></ul>

Автобус 907

runs with increased travel time on the whole affected route towards Szentlélek tér H

<ul><li>Bus <strong>218</strong> runs with increased travel time between <i>Solymár, Auchan áruház</i> and <i>Szentlélek tér H</i> towards Szentlélek tér H.</li></ul>

Автобус 218

runs with increased travel time between Budakeszi, Dózsa György tér and Budagyöngye towards Széll Kálmán tér M

<ul><li>Bus <strong>22A</strong> runs with increased travel time between <i>Budakeszi, Dózsa György tér</i> and <i>Budagyöngye</i> towards Széll Kálmán tér M.</li><li>Bus <strong>222</strong> runs with increased travel time between <i>Budakeszi, Honfoglalás sétány</i> and <i>Budagyöngye</i> towards Széll Kálmán tér M.</li><li>Bus <strong>22</strong> runs with increased travel time between <i>Budakeszi, Tesco áruház</i> and <i>Budagyöngye</i> towards Széll Kálmán tér M.</li></ul>

Автобус 222Автобус 22AАвтобус 22

runs with increased travel time between Rákosi út and Örs vezér tere M+H towards Örs vezér tere M+H

<ul><li>Bus <strong>144</strong> runs with increased travel time on the whole affected route towards Örs vezér tere M&#43;H.</li></ul>

Автобус 144

runs with increased travel time between Budakeszi, Honfoglalás sétány and Szőlőskert utca

<ul><li>Bus <strong>188E</strong> runs with increased travel time between <i>Budakeszi, Honfoglalás sétány</i> and <i>Szőlőskert utca</i>.</li></ul>

Автобус 188E

runs with increased travel time between János utca and Örs vezér tere M+H towards Örs vezér tere M+H

<ul><li>Bus <strong>244</strong> runs with increased travel time between <i>János utca</i> and <i>Örs vezér tere M&#43;H</i> towards Rákosi út ► Örs vezér tere M&#43;H.</li></ul>

Автобус 244

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