A40 Risinghurst TurnAbberton WayAbbey ChurchAbbey CloseAbbey CourtAbbey FieldsAbbey LaneAbbey Lodge InnAbbey MeadowsAbbey ParkAbbey Park StreetAbbey RoadAbraham Darby SchoolAcacia AvenueAdcock DriveAgar CrescentAirfieldAlbert StreetAlder MeadowAlder Park RoadAlfriston RdAllard WayAllen FordAllesley Post OfficeAllitt GroveAllotmentsAll Saints ChurchAll Saints ParkAll Saints RoadAll Saints SquareAlspath LaneAlvaston ParkAlveston TurnAlvis Retail ParkAlyssum WalkAmadis RoadAmbarrow CrescentAmbrose RiseAnchor CloseAnderson DriveAnderson StreetAndrew StreetAnglia Square (Stand B)Anson CloseAntelopeArbour Tree LaneArch RdArden Heath FarmArden Press WayArden Vale RdArena Shopping Park (Stop Ae)Arlidge CrescentArlington DriveArlington SquareArmorial RdArmoury GardensArmscott RoadArnhem CornerArnold DriveArnold Lodge SchoolArtemis DriveArundel TerraceAscot DriveAsdaAsh CourtAshfield AvenueAshford RoadAshgrove FarmAshley RoadAshurst CourtAshwell DriveAstley StreetAstoriaAttwood CrescentAvalon CourtAvenue FarmAvon Beach ApproachAvoncliffe RoadAvon CrescentAvon Park Caravan ParkAvon RoadAvon View Park HomesAycliffe GardensAylesbury RdAylesford SchoolAzalea CourtBack LaneBaginton RdBaginton StoresBakers LaneBaker StreetBalfour StreetBalgavies Loch Nature ReserveBalsall Common IslandBalsall StBanbury CrematoriumBanbury RoadBangholm PlaceBank LaneBannerbrook ParkBannings ValeBanovallum School Bus ParkBanquo ApproachBarcheston DriveBargates (Stop G)Barley MowBarnack AvenueBarnes Wallis AcademyBaroda FarmBar RdBarrel Hill FarmBarston LaneBartlett CloseBarton RoadBathway RdBattersby CloseBaxters FarmBeauchamp AvenueBeauchamp Avenue (Stand C)Beauchamp RoadBeaulieu AvenueBeaumont Centre (Stand D)Beaumont RoadBeauville DriveBedford Street SouthBeechwood AveBeeston HallBelgrave SquareBellBelle Vue CrescentBelle Vue MansionsBellshill Railway Station Car ParkBelmont RoadBerrington RoadBest AvenueBetony GardensBewley DriveBillington CloseBilston Bus Station (Stand B)Bilston Bus Station (Stand E)Binley ChurchBinley Park InnBinley Rd Post OfficeBinswood StreetBinswood TavernBirch Meadow CloseBirdingbury LaneBirdingbury RoadBird In HandBird In The HandBirds HillBirdwood GroveBirmingham RoadBishop Bright HallBishops HillBishopton CloseBishop Ullathorne SchoolBlackberry LaneBlackbird RoadBlackdown CrossoradsBlackdown CrossroadsBlackford RoadBlackhill CrossroadsBlack HorseBlackhorse RoadBlack LaneBlacksmiths ArmsBlack SwanBlaen NantBlakelands AvenueBlandford DriveBleak HouseBlenheim DriveBloomfield StreetBlue Bell PhBlue PeterBlythe AvenueBlythe GateBoat InnBockendon RdBolton RoadBooth StreetBorder CrescentBorrowdale DriveBoscombe CrescentBoscombe GardensBoswall GreenBoswall ParkwayBournemouth Square (Stand O)Bowes PlaceBowling GreenBoxhedge RoadBox Trees RdBoyd CourtBrabazon DriveBrabazon RoadBrackens LaneBracknell Bus Station (Bay 6)Bradney GreenBramble StBranksome AvenueBrasenose ArmsBraybrooke Recreation GroundBrick Bus ShelterBridgeBridgeacre GardensBridge EndBridge InnBridgetown RoadBridle RoadBrighton Station (Stop D)British Motor MuseumBritons LaneBrittain LaneBrixham DriveBroad LaneBroadoaksBroadrick HeathBroad StreetBroad WalkBroadwayBroadwells CrescentBromleigh DriveBrookes University (Stop B2)Brookes University (Stop B5)Brook LaneBrook RoadBrookside RoadBroomfield AvenueBrownshill Green RdBruce RoadBrueton AvenueBrunel HouseBrunswick InnBrunswick RoadBrunswick StreetBryant CloseBryngwyn SchoolBryntirionBryntirion HospitalBuckley RoadBulldogBull LaneBull RingBulls Head LaneBunkers HillBurberry GroveBurdett WayBure Haven DriveBurial GroundBurlington ArcadeBurlington StreetBurns RdBurnt PostBushwood LaneBus ShelterBus Station (Bay 1)Bus Station (Bay 16)Bus Station (Bay 3)Bus Station (Bay 8)Bus Station (Stand A)Bus Station (Stand B)Bus Station (Stand C)Bus Station (Stand D)Bus Station (Stand E)Bus Station (Stand K)Bus Station (Stand N)Bus Station (Stand S)Bus Station (Stop L)Butler WayButterwick DriveButterwick HouseCables WyndCadwell CloseCaithness CloseCalsonicCalthorpe StreetCaludon Centre (Stop Wg)Caludon Centre (Stop Wh)Caludon Park AvenueCalvert StreetCambrian StreetCameron CloseCampion TerraceCampriano DriveCamvilleCanal BridgeCanley CrematoriumCanley RdCannon Park CentreCannon Park RdCannon StreetCaravan ParkCarbery AvenueCarnation DriveCarnegie CloseCaroline AvenueCar ParkCarters LaneCashmore AvenueCastle CloseCastle Meadow (Stop Ca)Catchems CornerCatherton CloseCawston LaneCecily RdCedric CloseCemeteryCentenary RdChace AvenueChadwick ManorChailey AvenueChale RoadChamberlayne HouseChanders RoadChapel LaneChapel StreetCharles RdCharlotte StreetCharter AveChase CourtCherry LaneChesford CrescentChesford CrossroadsChester Street (Stop C)Cheswick Green SchoolChichester Drive WestChichester WayChideock HillChristchurch Railway StationChurchChurch CloseChurch LaneChurch LeesChurch RoadChurch Street (Stand K)Churchward AvenueCivic HallClare CloseClaremont RoadClarence RoadClarendon ArmsClarendon Avenue (Stand D)Clarendon RoadClarendon StreetClarkia WalkClark StreetClearburn CrescentClements StClifton ParkClifton Road (Stand B)Clifton Road (Stand C)Clifton Road (Stand M)ClinicClinton AvenueClinton LaneClocksbriggsClock Tower (Stop N)CoachCobbs RoadCobden AvenueCode Building (Stop Fx1)CollegeCollege GroundsCollege InterchangeCollingham LaneCommonCommon LaneCommonwealth PoolCommunity CentreCompton RoadCompton Verney HouseCondor RoundaboutConference CentreConnaught HouseCooks LaneCoombe CourtCoombe Park RdCo-OpCo-Op Car ParkCo OperativeCoopers GateCopeland StreetCopper Beech CloseCopperworks Social ClubCoppice GardensCoppice WalkCordelia WayCoriolanus SquareCornelius StreetCorn ExchangeCornhill GroveCornwell ManorCornwell TurnCorporation AvenueCottesbrook RoadCotteswold Crest SchoolCotton DriveCourthouse Green SchoolCourt StreetCoventry AirportCoventry Rail Station (Stand Wr1)Coventry Rail Station (Stand Wr3)Coventry RoadCoventry University (Stop Cu1)Coventry University (Stop Cu2)Cowdray CloseCowslip DriveCozens LaneCrabtree GroveCrackleyCraft CentreCraigends AvenueCraighall RoadCraigmillar Castle GardensCraigmillar Castle RoadCraigmillar LibraryCraigroyston Community High SchoolCrampers FieldCranbourne CornerCrane CloseCranleigh AvenueCranmore RdCranwell DriveCrawley RoadCrayford RoadCrematoriumCrewe BankCribyn CloseCricketers RoadCroft Medical CentreCroft Road (Stop Vr2)Croft Road (Stop Vr3)Crompton StreetCromwell LaneCromwell PlaceCromwell RoadCromwell Road EastCromwell Road WestCrossroadsCross StCrossway RdCrownCrowngate Bus Station (Stand H)Crown HotelCrowthorne High StreetCrowthorne StationCryfield Grange RdCubbington RoadCubert RoadCurzon GroveCuttle BrookCycle WorksDalehouse LaneDale RoadDaleway RdDalmeny RdDalton GardensDane RdDark LaneDarracott RoadDassett Primary SchoolDavenport RdDeadmans LaneDeanswayDeedmore RdDe Haviland Way
Delamere WayDelius WalkDelme ArmsDe Montfort RoadDenby CloseDennis RdDerby RoadDespard RdDewsbury AvenueDickens Heath RdDickens RdDickinson Street (Stop So)Dillotford Avenue SubstationDingle LaneDm KinetonDog Kennel LaneDolau CourtDoncaster CloseDorchester WayDormer PlaceDorridge Rail StationDove WyndDown End RoadDraycote WaterDrayton RoadDroylesdon Park RdDudley Avenue SouthDudley StDuke'S MoundDulverton AvenueDunchurch CloseDunchurch HallDunchurch Park HotelDunchurch RoadDun CowDunham'S LaneDunkirkEagle HouseEarl PlaceEarl Rivers AvenueEarlsdon Ave SouthEarlsdon LibraryEarl St (Stop Mp1)East CrosscausewayEast Lancs Park & Ride (Stop D)Eastwood CloseEaton PlaceEbony WayEbro CrescentEdgbarrow RiseEdgbarrow SchoolEdinburgh CollegeEdinburgh RdEdmonscote RoadElectricity StationElisabeth The ChefElkington StElliot DriveElm Row (Stop Eb)Elm Row (Stop Ed)Elmwood CloseElsie Jones HouseEmmott DriveEmstrey Island WestboundEntranceEpping WayEric Inott HouseEsher DriveEtonbury AcademyFairfieldFalstaff GroveFaraday StreetFarcroft AveFar Gosford StreetFarley StreetFarmer WayFarm FoodsFarren RdFarrier LaneFarrington CloseFelinfoel Rugby ClubFerndale DriveFerndale RoadFieldgate LaneField LaneFighting CocksFinham Green RdFinham Park SchoolFirth Playing FieldFirth Square NorthFirth Square SouthFish BarFishermans WalkFive Elms FarmFivefield RdFive Ways CornerFlavel CrescentFletchamstead HighwayFleur De LisFoleshill RdFoot Of The WalkForesterseat Road EndForest Hill TurnForest Road - St Mary'S SchoolForfield PlaceForge RoadForknell AvenueFoscot TurnFosse Way RoundaboutFountainFountain CottageFourth AvenueFramlingham GroveFrances RoadFranklin RoadFranklin WayFrankton RoadFraser AvenueFrederick Road (Stop N)Friday LaneFrisby RdFurlong RdGainford RiseGainsborough DriveGaley'S RoadGamecock InnGarageGardiner RoadGarmston Lane JctGarrett DriveGartcosh WalkGate LaneGaydon InnGeneral StoresGeorge StreetGibbet Hill Campus (Stop Gh5)Gibbet Hill Campus (Stop Gh6)Gibbet Hill RdGibson CourtGilbert StreetGladstone RoadGleadowe AvenueGlebe AvenueGlebe StreetGloster GardensGlosters GreenGoldenacreGolden End DriveGoldsmith AvenueGoldthorn CloseGolf CloseGolf ClubGoodwood DriveGoose CornerGorseddGosford GreenGothic Way Hail + RideGoughs LaneGranby CloseGrand AvenueGrange GardensGrange RoadGranton Mains EastGranton Primary SchoolGranvilleGrasmere StreetGrassington AvenueGravel HillGrayswood AvenueGreat WesternGrebe CloseGreek Street (Stop C)GreenGreendykes RoadGreendykes TerminusGreendykes TerraceGreenhead Road EndGreenhill LaunderetteGreenhill StreetGreen LanesGreen ManGreen Park AveGreen Road RoundaboutGreenway RdGreenwaysGresham AvenueGretna RdGreville RoadGrierson AvenueGrove RdGuide Dogs For The BlindGullimans WayGulson RdGuy StreetHaddon RoadHadley RdHalf Mile RoadHalfway HouseHall LaneHallmeadow RdHalls CloseHallworth DriveHalsey HouseHamilton StreetHamlet DriveHammerton WayHampton RoadHanbury Park RoadHannah RdHannington RoadHansell DriveHanwell TurnHarbury Field CottagesHarbury Fields CottagesHarbury LaneHarbury SupermarketHardwick HillHarefield RdHarris High SchoolHarris RoadHarrow RoadHarry Weston RoadHart CloseHarvesterHarvest Hill CloseHarwood GroveHarwoods HouseHastings House Medical CentreHatherell RoadHattern AvenueHawthorn CloseHaymarket Bus Station (Stand Hx)Haymarket Bus Station (Stand Hy)HaypoolHeadingstone PlaceHeadington School (Stop B8)Headington School (Stop B9)Headington Shops (Stop Hs2)Headington Shops (Stop Hs6)Head Street (Stop Ea)Health Centre (Entrance)Hearsall CommonHearsall CourtHeathcote CrossroadsHeathcote HospitalHeathcote RoadHeath CrescentHeath TerraceHenry StreetHeol Beili GlasHeol DanielHeol FfynnonHeol NantHerbert Gallery (Stop Es1)Herberts LaneHexworthy AvenueHidcote RoadHighland RoadHighland RoiadHigh Noon RoadHigh PinesHigh School For GirlsHigh StreetHigh Street (Stop Fc)High Street (Stop L2)Highview RoadHill CottageHill CrescentHillcrestHill Farm MarinaHillman WayHill RdHilltop ParkHill Wootton RoadHilton NationalHockley HeathHod CarrierHoddern AvenueHodgetts LaneHolbrooks ParkHoliday Inn (Stand C)Hollies CornerHolly Tree CottageHolly WalkHolton TurnHome CloseHome FarmHoniley Court HotelHornie PlayparkHorse And GroomHorse FairHorsepool HollowHorseshoe CommonHorticultural Research InternationalHospitalHospital Car Parks (Stop Wf)Hospital Interchange (Stop Uh3)Hospital Interchange (Stop Uh7)Hospital Interchange (Stop Uh9)Hospital LaneHough LaneHouse Of FraserHousesHowe CloseHowes LaneHriHsbcHunters CloseHuntingdon RdHunt TerraceHunwicke Road ShopsHurransHythe Railway StationIbmIlex CourtIndustrial EstateIndustrial ParkInnInnings LaneInterchange ShelterInternational CentreInvicta RdIron DukeIronmonger Square (Stop Ts5)Irvin HouseIsobel Harrison GardensIvy LaneJackson RdJacobean LaneJaguar Land RoverJaguar WorksJames Green RoadJames WyattJasmine CourtJimmy Hill WayJohn Ross AveJohn Ross AvenueJohn StreetJohn Wyatt DriveJoseph ArchJoseph CourtJoseph WayJourdain ParkJubilee CrescentJunctionJunction PlaceJunior SchoolJustins AvenueJute CloseKeepers MeadowKelmoor RoadKempton CrescentKenelm CourtKenilworth CastleKenilworth Railway StationKenilworth SchoolKennel LaneKenpas HighwayKeresley LibraryKestrel ViewKiblers LaneKilmiston DriveKimberley RoadKineton High SchoolKineton LaneKing Henry Viii SchoolKings ArmsKing'S AvenueKings HaughKings HeadKings High SchoolKings HouseKingshurstKingsley RoadKingston RoadKingswayKingswood CloseKinross RoadKirkby Bus Station (Stand 4)Kirkby LaneKirkgate CentreKitebrook FarmKnightsbridge Close JctKnoll DriveKnoll Road (Stop H)Knowle Green ChurchKnowle Green TerminusKnowle HillKristiansand WayKwik FitKynnersley ArmsKynnersley Lane JctLadbrook RdLady Byron LaneLady LaneLambeth RdLammas CroftLance CloseLandor RoadLanesideLangton DriveLansdowneLansdowne FarmLarkin WayLarksfield SurgeryLarks Wood CloseLaundry LaneLavelock LeaLeamington FcLeamington RoadLeamington Rugby ClubLeamington Shopping ParkLeam TerraceLeasowe FarmLeasowes CottagesLeeming CloseLeeside AvenueLees TerraceLeicester CollegeLeinster RoadLeith Street (Stop Jb)Leith Street (Stop Jd)Leith TheatreLeopardLetchworth Railway Station East (Stop C)Letchworth Railway Station East (Stop E)Letchworth Railway Station (Stop D)Letchworth Railway Station West (Stop A)Lewis RoadLeyes LaneLibraryLightwood CloseLiibraryLillington AvenueLillington RoadLime Tree DriveLincoln AvenueLinnet WayLionLion Fields AvenueLittle Beanit FarmLittle Field CloseLittle Park St (Stop Sj1)Little Shrewley CrossroadsLittle Wood CloseLivingstone RoadLlandyryLlanelli Bus Station Stand 1 (Bay 1)Lloyd CloseLloyds Bank CollegeLock LaneLodgeLodge RdLondon RowLong AvenueLongdown RoadLong Itch DinerLong Itchington DinerLongmore RdLongrood RoadLongwall AvenueLongwood CloseLonsdale RoadLord StreetLord Williams Upper SchoolLorenzo CloseLost Pug
Lower CapeLower Church RoadLower End Bus ShelterLower Farm HouseLower Howsell RoadLower Precinct (Stop Vr1)Lower Wick IslandLoxdale StLoxdale St MetroLoxley RoadLutton PlaceLydbury CrescentLydstep DriveLymans Road Hail + Ride (Main Entrance)Lynchgate RdLynton CourtLyttleton RoadM57Macaulay RdMacbeth CloseMacdonald'SMadeley Centre (Stand C)Madresfield TurnMaesgolauMaestrefMaeswerddMagistrates Court (Stop Lp1)Magnolia DriveMaidavale CrescentMain StreetMalham RoadMallory WayMalthouse LaneMalvern Road GarageManchester Crown Court (Stop Ww)Manchester Royal Infirmary (Stop S)Mander GroveMann EgertonMannion AveManor FarmManor ParkManor RoadMarchhall PlaceMarina CloseMarine GateMarine Gate FlatsMarine StreetMarket HallMarket PlaceMarket StreetMarler RdMarley WayMarshall Lake RdMarsh LaneMartello CourtMason AvenueMatthew StreetMaudlyn RoadMaybird CentreMayfield CloseMayfield DriveMayswood RoadMcculloch DriveMcdonaldsMeadow LaneMeadow WayMecca BingoMedland AvenueMedley GroveMeldrum CourtMelling DriveMemorialMemorial RoadMerestone CloseMeriden StMeridian CentreMeridian CourtMerryhill RoadMerstone CloseMeschines StMethodist ChurchMickleton RdMiddlefield DriveMiddlemarch Business ParkMiddle RideMidland RoadMile Cross RoadMill Bank MewsMillbrook DriveMill CourtMilligan DriveMill LaneMill Pond MeadowsMilverton HillMilverton TerraceMilverton TurnMiners ArmsMitchell AveMoat AveMoat House LaneMobile Home SiteModel VillageMollington TurnMonkspath Hall RdMontague RoadMontgomery CloseMontgomery RoadMontrose AvenueMoor LaneMoorside RoadMoreton Morrell RoadMoreton Paddox TurnMorfa Infants SchoolMorfa Social ClubMorgan Playing FieldsMorris DriveMorrisonsMorrisons BinleyMorrisons StoreMorton CloseMoseley AvenueMoseley Junior SchoolMoseley RdMoseley RoadMotelMotorway Service Area (Entrance)Mount RoadMows Hill LaneMudeford Junior SchoolMuirhouse LoanMullion RoadMurcott RoadMuseumMuseum Of The Gorge Car ParkMushroom Castle LaneMyrtle TerraceMyton CrescentMyton CroftsMyton SchoolMytton & Mermaid HotelN.A.C. Main EntranceNailcote LaneNatwest BankNeale AveNear Dorridge StationNeedlers End LaneNeilson StreetNewbold TerraceNewburgh RoadNew College Road JctNew Dock RoadNew Dock StarsNewearth RoadNewey DriveNewgale WalkNew Green ParkNewhall Gardens JctNewhall RdNewhaven RoadNew InnNewland CourtNewlands CloseNewlands RoadNewlyn RoadNewnham RoadNewport CourtNew RdNew RoadNewstead DriveNew SteineNew StreetNfuNiddrie House AvenueNiddrie Marischal DriveNightingale AvenueNoel Baker SchoolNorthampton LaneNorthfolk TerraceNorthgate Methodist ChurchNorth RoadNorth StreetNorth Street (Stand D)North Street (Stand G)North Street (Stop C)Northumberland RoadNorton GrangeNorton Green LaneNorton RoadNorton Way NorthNotcuttsNursery HouseNursery StreetOak Bank HouseOak & Black DogOak CloseOakgate CloseOak InnOakley DriveOak RoadOdingsell DriveOffa DriveOld Church RdOld Clough LaneOld Farm RoadOldfield RoadOld Fire Station (Stop Hs3)Old Hall LaneOld Malvern RoadOld MillOld Post OfficeOld Priory RoadOld RoadOld Saracens HeadOld SchoolOliver CourtOlive StreetOphelia DriveOrchardOrchard Street (Stand Bf)Orchard Street (Stand Bg)Orson LeysOsbaston CloseOsborne Street (Stop Ab)Oswald RoadOur Ashes GarageOverslade LaneOwenford RdOxfamOxford StOxford StreetPalmerston RoadParish ChurchParish Church Stand AParish Church Stand BParkPark And Ride Car ParkPark End Street (Stop D1)Park End Street (Stop D5)Parker DriveParkhill Estate TerminusPark Hill RoundaboutParklandsParklands AvenuePark LanePark PiecePark RoadParkside StreetParkside TerraceParkstone Rd (Stop Af)Parkstone Rd (Stop Ag)Park TavernParkway RoundaboutParkwood RoadParthenon DrivePaston PlacePearl Hyde SchoolPeartree RoadPeartreesPeeping TomPeggles LanePendleton Church (Stop Q)PennantPenn GrovePennywell CottagesPennywell GrovePenrice ClosePenyfan StoresPenzance RoadPeregrine RoadPetherick RoadPeveril DrivePheasantPhoenix CrescentPhone BoxPilrig StreetPilton CrescentPinehurst AvenuePinnock PlacePin'S GreenPirbright ClosePitmaston SchoolPix RoadPlough & HarrowPlumpton StreetPokesdown StationPolice StationPool Meadow Bus Station (Stand E)Pool Meadow Bus Station (Stand F)Pool Meadow Bus Station (Stand K)Pool Meadow Bus Station (Stand L)Pool Meadow Bus Station (Stand P)Port LanePortman RoadPortobello BridgePortway RdPost OfficePoultry FarmPowys GrovePrecinctPrestonfield AvenuePrestonfield ParkPrestonfield TerracePrice Close EastPriestfield RoadPrimary SchoolPrimrose HillPrince Philip HospitalPrinces DrivePrincethorpe WayPrior Deram ParkPrior Road DepotPriors MeadowPriory CornerPriory MewsPrologis ParkProsen PlaceProspect LanePurcell RdPurewell CrossPurnells WayPyemans GarageQuadrant (Stop By1)Quadrant (Stop By2)Quadrant (Stop By3)Quadrant (Stop By4)Quadrant (Stop By5)Queen & CastleQueen Elizabeth School Bus ParkQueens HeadQueensland AveQueens Lane (Stop J3)Queens Lane (Stop K4)Queen Square Bus Station (Stand 5)Queen Street (Stop Jc)QueenswayQueen Victoria Rd (Stop Gr1)Queen Victoria Rd (Stop Gr2)RacehorseRackstrawsRadbourne LaneRadcliffe GardensRail Station Bridge (Stop Wr5)Rail Station Bridge (Stop Wr6)Rail Station TurnRailway ApproachRailway BridgeRailway StationRailway Station BridgeRailway Station (Stand I)Railway Station (Stop R1)Railway Station (Stop S1)Railway Station (Stop S2)Railway Technical CentreRainsford CrescentRaleigh RdRamada HotelRandall RoadRanelagh TerraceRangemoorRankeillor StreetRannock CloseRavenshaw WayRavenswoodRawnsley DriveRecreation GroundRedesdale AvenueRedhill AvenueRed LaneRed LionRegal RoadRegent HotelRegent StreetRenaissance CourtRenown AveRetail ParkRex CloseRicardo CrescentRichard Kelly DriveRidgefield (Stop Wx)Ridgeway AvenueRiver House SchoolRiverland CourtRiverside CloseRiver WayRoad EndRobert CloseRoedean CafeRoedean SchoolRogers LaneRollason CloseRoman TownRook Tree LaneRosebank GroveRose Cottage FlatsRose CroftRosehall RoadRough CloseRouncil LaneRowan CrescentRowley RoadRowleys HouseRoyal Liverpool University Hospital (Stop G)Royal OakRoyston Mains CrescentRoyston Mains GardensRugby RoadRugby TavernRunnalowRural CottagesRushby MeadRyon HillSacred Heart ChurchSainsburySainsburysSainsbury'SSainsburys Main EntranceSainsbury'S (Stop Ts1)Sainsbury'S (Stop Ts2)Sale LaneSalford CathedralSalford Central Rail Station (Stop Wy)Salford Crescent Rail Station (Stop B)Salford TurnSalop LeisureSaltdean LidoSaltisford GardensSaltway CentreSalvesen CrescentSalveson GardensSandfield RoadSandhurst LibrarySandhurst StationSandown CloseSandpits LaneSandwick CloseSandy LaneSandy Lane RoundaboutSandyville RoadSaumur WaySaville GroveSaxon WayScar BankScarfe WayScargreen AvenueScarman RdSchofield RoadSchool HillSchool LaneSchool RdSchool RoadSchool StreetSea Life Centre (Stop K)Seaside GarageSedgemoor RoadSedlescombe ParkSegro Park DhlSeneschal RdShabbington TurnShakespeare AvenueShaldon CloseShaldon RoadShale StSharmans Cross Junior SchoolShaw Street (Stop A)Shell GarageShelter Link TopShenstone Drive
Sheriff AveShirehallShopping CentreShopsShops (Stand A)Shops (Stand B)ShrubhillShrubland StreetShuckburgh RoadSibton CloseSilver GhostSimmonds CourtSinger CloseSir Henry Parkes RdSir Williams LaneSiskin Parkway WestSkimped Hill Lane - Health CentreSky Blue ConnexionSoans DriveSolihull CollegeSolihull GateSolihull HospitalSolihull Rail Station (Stand G)Solihull Rail Station (Stand H)Solihull SchoolSolihull Station Interchange (Stand A)Solihull Station Interchange (Stand B)Solihull Town Centre (Stop Se)Solihull Town Centre (Stop Sk)Solway CloseSomerfieldSomerset GroveSomers RoadSoutham CollegeSoutham GrangeSouthbank RdSouthbourne CrossroadsSouth BridgeSouth Fort StreetSouth ParkSouth View RoadSouthwaySovereign CentreSpace CentreSparrowhall LaneSpartan CloseSpeedwell Street (Stop S1)Speedwell Street (Stop S2)Speedwell WaySpencer AvenueSpencer ParkSpencer StreetSpinney PathSportsgroundSportsman'S ClubSports & Social ClubSpring LaneSpring MeadowSpring PlaceSquareStagSt Aldates (Stop G6)Standard RoadStand HSt Andrew RoadSt Andrews RoadStanley RoadSt Anthony'S CloseSt Anthonys Primary SchoolStanway RdStarley Gardens (Stop Cu3)Starley Gardens (Stop Cu4)Starley Gardens (Stop Cu5)Starmer PlaceStation CottagesStation LaneStation RoadStaunton RoadStaverton Park HotelSt Bernards WalkSt Chads RoadSt Christophers CloseSt Clements Street (Stop A)St Clements Street (Stop C)St Davids CloseSteep CloseSt Gregorys RoadSt Helens RoadStirling AvenueStirling RdSt Ives RdSt James ChurchSt James Square (Stop Cp)St John'SSt Johns ChurchSt Johns Church (Stop Cs2)St Johns Church (Stop Cs3)St Johns Church (Stop Cs4)St Johns CloseSt Johns CourtSt Johns MuseumSt Johns StreetSt. Julians FriarsSt Laurence AvenueSt Lawrence CloseSt Lawrence'S ChurchSt Lawrence'S RoadSt Leonard'S ChurchSt Margaret'S ParkSt Maries Rc Infant SchoolSt Marks ChurchSt Marks RoadSt Martins RdSt Marys ChurchSt. Marys ChurchSt. Michaels CloseSt Michaels RoadSt Nicholas ParkStocks LaneStonebridge HighwayStonehouse CloseStoneleigh AveStoneleigh BridgeStoneleigh CloseStoneleigh RdStoneleigh RoadStonemarketStonesdale CourtStoneythorpe HotelStony LaneStoresStowlawn SchoolSt Pauls ChurchSt Peter'S ChurchSt Peter'S Square (Stop Sd)St Peters WayStratford CollegeStratford High SchoolStratford Manor HotelStratford RoadStratton HallStreetsbrook RoadStretton AcademySt Stephens Street (Stop Bc)St Swithuns RoundaboutSt Teresa ChurchSt Theresa ChurchSt Thomas' ChurchStuart GardensStud Farm DriveSt Wulfstan SurgerySuffield CourtSullivan RoadSummer StSurgeons' HallSutherland AveSutton LaneSwindale CroftSwithland AvenueSycamore DriveSydenham DriveTachbrook StreetTafarn-Y-FelinTainters HillTame StTapping WayTegfynyddTelephone BoxTelephone ExchangeTelford AvenueTelford Junior SchoolTelscombe Cliffs WayTelscombe TyeTempleTemple GroveTen Shilling WoodTescoTesco ExpressTesco North BracknellTesco StoreThames RoadThe AgincourtThe Auction HouseThe AvenueThe Barn RestaurantThe BeechesThe Bell InnThe Bell PhThe Black Horse PhThe BoundaryThe BrackensThe CemeteryThe ChesilsThe CornishmanThe CrematoriumThe DoglandsThe DriveThe Dun CowThe FoxThe GardensThe GateThe GrangeThe GraylandsThe GreenThe GreswoldesThe HillwayThe HoltThe LokeThelsford CottagesThe Meadows (Entrance)The MemorialThe MountThe NeedlesThe New PippinThe OaklandsThe Old HatchetThe Old OakThe Old Post OfficeThe ParkThe Parker E-Act AcademyThe Park PalingThe PloughThe Porch HouseThe PrebendThe RailwayThe RidgewayThe Runway Industrial ParkThe SaxonThe SeagullThe SquareThe VenueThe VirginsThe WharfThe WheatsheafThe White HorseThe WillowsThe WindmillThickthorn CloseThickthorn IslandThird AvenueThirlestane CloseThirsk RoadThomas Lane StThomas Lansdail StThornhill Park And Ride (Stop B)Thornhill Park And Ride (Stop C)Thornhill Park And Ride (Stop F)Thornton CloseThornyfield RdThree HorseshoesThree Horseshoes PhThree Spires AvenueThree TunsTiger Moth DriveTile Hill LibraryTile Hill North TerminusTile Hill Rail StationTimber YardTitania CloseTiverton RdToll CrescentTombland (Stop Cm)Tom Henderson CloseTonbridge RdTop Green ParkTorcross AvenueTorwood CloseTouchstone RoadTouchwood Hall CloseTournament CourtTournament Fields Business ParkTown Centre (Stop C)Town CornerTown HallTown Railway Station (Stop B)Townsend AvenueTownsend RoadToy Lane TurnTransport Museum (Stop Hs1)Transport Museum (Stop Hs2)Travel HubTrinity StreetTrostre RoadTruggist LaneTuckton BridgeTuckton CornerTudor DairiesTulip WalkTurnTurning CircleTwynham RoadTyldesley Square (Stop D)Tysoe RoadUlverscroft RdUnicornUnicorn RoadUnion RdUnion RoadUnion StreetUnion WalkUniversity Interchange (Stop Uw1)University Interchange (Stop Uw2)University Interchange (Stop Uw3)University Interchange (Stop Uw4)University Interchange (Stop Uw5)University Of ManchesterUniversity Of SalfordUniversity ResidencesUniversity Shopping Centre (Stop D)Upper Parade (Stand E)Upper Parade (Stand F)Upper Parade (Stand G)Upper Parade (Stand J)Upper Parade (Stand K)Uxbridge AvenueValley RoadValley ViewVarsity Pitches (Stop Gh1)Varsity Pitches (Stop Gh2)Vaughan RoadVerney CloseVicarage LaneVicarage RdVicarage RoadVicar RoadVictoria AvenueVillage HallVilliers RoadVulcan WayWade AvenueWaldemar AvenueWalkden RoadWallace RdWalnut AvenueWalters RoadWalton LaneWardie CrescentWardie RoadWarfield RoadWar MemorialWar Memorial ParkWar Memorial (Stop G)Warner PlaceWarren GreenWarren StreetWarriston CrematoriumWarwick AvenueWarwick CastleWarwick CourtWarwick HospitalWarwick New RoadWarwick PlaceWarwick Rail StationWarwick RoadWarwick SchoolWarwickshire CollegeWarwickshire Lavender FarmWarwickshire Shopping ParkWarwick Technology ParkWashbourne RoadWaterfront GaitWaterstock TurnWaterstone CloseWater TowerWatery LaneWathen RoadWatling RoadWauchope PlaceWedgnock HouseWednesbury Bus Station (Stand L)Wellesbourne DepotWellesbourne MarketWellfield AvenueWellington ArmsWellington RoadWell St (Stop Bs3)Welsh Road EastWemyss FarmWendiburgh StWentworth RoadWestcliff AvenueWestcotts GreenWest Coventry AcademyWest DriveWester RestennethWesterton Road EndWestgate Primary SchoolWestgate (Stop E5)Westgate (Stop M3)Westmorland RdWest Richmond StreetWest Street (Stop B)West View RoadWestwood AcademyWestwood CampusWestwood ChurchWestwood Heath RdWestwood WayWharfWharf LaneWharf RoadWharton RoadWheatley RoadWheatsheafWhitehills HcccWhite HorsesWhite LionWhitemoor RoadWhites RoadWhitley VillageWhitnash ClubWhitnash RoadWickham CloseWidney LaneWidney RdWigginsmill RdWilbury RoadWilkes StWillenhall Primary SchoolWilliam Bree RdWilliam Mckee CloseWillow DriveWillow Farm CottagesWillow MeerWilmcote Green ShopsWilsons ArmsWiltshire AvenueWimborne DriveWimpole RoadWinchester AvenueWindermere AveWindermere DriveWindmill HillWindmill InnWindmill LaneWingfield RoadWinkfield ManorWinkfield RowWinyates RoadWisgreaves RoadWolfe RdWolverton RoadWoodcote RoadWoodhall Spa HotelWoodhill ParkWood Hill RiseWoodland RoadWoodleigh RdWoodloes Primary SchoolWoodside WayWoodview DriveWootton GardensWootton HallWorths WayWulfstan DriveWyandotteWych Elm DriveWye StreetWykeley RoadWyken AvenueWyken CroftWyken Grange RoadWyndham ParkYelverton RdYorkshire PlaceYouth HostelYsgol-Y-Babanod
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